產品英文名稱:BNP antibody;BNP monoclonal antibody; Purified sheep monoclonal antibody to BNP (brain naturetic peptide)
產品貨號:BVX.BNP.3E7, BVX.BNP.4H8
生產廠家:Bioventix plc
該產品其他推薦品牌:Fitzgerald, Biospacific、Pantex等
Product Description: Purified sheep monoclonal antibody to BNP (brain naturetic peptide)
Product Code: BVX.BNP.3E7
Batch Number: 150321
Date of Manufacture: March 2021. Use within 1 year of receipt
Storage Temperature: 2-8°C
Form: Purified sheep monoclonal antibody in PBS at pH 7.3-7.4 with 0.10% sodium azide
Method of Production: In Vitro cell culture using standard DMEM media supplemented with foetal bovine serum of a USDA approved origin ..
Method of Purification: Protein A Affinity Chromatography
Concentration: 2.51mg/mL (based on A280nm with 1 mg/ml =1.4 AU)
Purity Main Peak ?90 (by SEC-HPLC)
Immunological Activity: Binds to antigen as per frozen reference (+/- 20%; Bioventix’s ELISA method)
Product Description: Purified sheep monoclonal antibody to BNP (brain naturetic peptide)
Product Code: BVX.BNP.4H8
Batch Number: AS 12037
Date of Manufacture: August 2021 Use within 1 year of receipt
Storage Temperature: 2-8°C
Form: Purified sheep monoclonal antibody in PBS at pH 7.3-7.4 with 0.10% sodium azide
Method of Production: In Vitro cell culture using standard DMEM media supplemented with foetal bovine serum of a USDA approved origin ..
Method of Purification: Protein A Affinity Chromatography
Concentration: 2.56mg/mL (based on A280nm with 1 mg/ml =1.4 AU)
Purity Main Peak ?90 (by SEC-HPLC)
Immunological Activity: Binds to antigen as per frozen reference (+/- 20%; Bioventix’s ELISA method)